Wow Agency – studio certificat Live Jasmin


WOW AGENCY are deosebita placere de a impartasi bucuria incheierii certificarii cu cel mai mare, cunoscut si longeviv site de streaming online, LiveJasmin, de astfel fiind si primul site din industrie care a lansat si implementat conceptul de certificat, oferind astfel tuturor partenerilor certificati conditii premium si beneficii exclusive.

Suntem extrem de fericiti si onorati sa primim titlul de JASMIN SILVER CERTIFICATE. Acest titlu nu este doar o simpla recunoastere a muncii sustinute la nivel de agentie, determinarii, profesionalisului, expertizei, conditiilor tehnice si logistice, legalitatii, corectitudinii agentiei de videochat in relatiile sale cu toti partenerii, ci si o responsabilitate de a utiliza la maximum know-how-ul, technologia si capacitatile de management pe care WOW Agency le poseda, si de asemenea o promisiune de a mentine aceste standarde constant, indiferent de schimbarile prin care piata ar putea trece, facilitand astfel stabilitatea financiara a tuturor modelelor de videochat colaboratoare.

Experienta de peste 20 de ani in domeniul videochatului ne-a permis sa testam diferite platforme, strategii si modalitati de lucru, si sa ne imbunatim performantele de la perioada la perioada, fapt care a dus la decizia de a incheia un parteneriat exclusiv, pentru ca stim ca doar asa putem face performanta, canalizandu-ne intreaga atentia si eforturile pe un singur site.

Beneficiile modelelor care lucreaza intr-un studio de videochat certificat:

jasmin silver certificate

  • Modelele au siguranta ca lucreaza intr-un studio care are nu doar experienta, tehnologia si know-how-ul menite sa le ajute sa devina un model de succes, ci si sustinerea site-ului pe care lucreaza;
  • Modelele sunt pozitionate strategic pentru a facilita o mai mare vizibilitate pe site catre toti membrii;
  • Modelele primesc un Account Manager dedicat menit sa ofere suport personalizat;
  • Modelele beneficiaza de extra promovare pe site-urile de profil, afiliati si social media;
  • Modelele au prioritate si sunt primele care beneficiaza de accesul la inovatiile aduse de site inaintea tuturor studiourilor sau modelelor independente care nu fac parte din programul de certificare;
  • Modelele beneficiaza de training si suport constant pentru a asigura o dezvoltare continua adaptata la toate schimbarile de piata. CUM? Site-ul organizeaza  periodic workshop-uri la care sunt invitate atat colaboratoarele noastre din departamentul de Training, pentru a beneficia de suport si instrumente de training personalizat, cat si modelele WOW Agency, pentru a le fi prezentate inovatiile aduse site-urilor, in vederea cresterii performantelor la nivel de echipa;
  • Posibilitatea de a avea castiguri financiare considerabile.

Daca vrei sa castigi SERIOS din jobul de model online, te asteptam sa faci parte din echipa WOW Agency!




WOW AGENCY has the utmost pleasure to share the joy of successfully completing the certification process with the largest, most popular and longest-running online streaming site, LiveJasmin, also recongnized as the first site in the industry to launch and implement the studio certification concept, providing to all certified partners premium conditions and exclusive benefits.

We are extremely happy and honored to receive the title of JASMIN SILVER CERTIFICATE. This title is not only a simple recognition of collective work and effort, determination, professionalism, expertise, technical and logistical conditions, legality, fairness of the studio in all of its partnerships, but also a responsibility to use the knowledge, technology and management capabilities of the studio at maximum capacity, as well as a promise to keep to these standards constantly, no matter the changes the market may go through, thus facilitating the financial stability of all collaborating models.

Having an experience of over 20 years in the webcamming industry has allowed us to test different platforms, strategies and working styles, to help us improve our performance from period to period, which led to the decision that an exclusive partnership is the key to success. We are 100% certain that this is the only way we can deliver excellence in performance, by channeling our undivided attention and efforts into one single site.

How can a model benefit from working with a certified studio:

jasmin silver certificate

  • Models are reassured that they work for a studio that is not only equipped with sound experience, great technology and up-to-date know-how which is meant to help them become a successful model, but also benefit from the support of the website they work on;
  • Models are strategically positioned to facilitate greater visibility on the site
  • Models receive a dedicated Account Manager to provide personalized support;
  •  Models benefit from extra promotion on profile sites, affiliates and social media;
  • Models have priority and are the first to benefit from access to site innovations before all other independent studios or models that are not part of the certification program;
  • Models benefit from constant training and support to ensure an agile continuous development, to adapt all market changes. HOW? The website organizes periodical workshops to which both our collaborators from the Training Department are invited to benefit from personalised support and training tools, as well as the WOW Agency models, to be presented the innovations brought to the website, and thus to increase team-level performance;
  • The possibility of earning SERIOUS money.

If you want to earn SERIOUS money from your online modeling job, come join the WOW Agency team!


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